Page 4 and 5 are applications "MISCELLANEOUS"
be found on page 4:
- The application of reference sites that are,, the Journal du Geek and LCT (chain techno).
- Läpple iBooks to read digital books on Iphone. (App should be more suited to Ipad and bigger screen).
The folder "QR Code"
- The apps and QuickMark Flashcode can decode QR codes increasingly present on the web.
The folder "Internet Purchase"
- The famous site applied PayPal online payment.
- The app eBay auction on the web.
- The application for the right corner of the classifieds.
On page 5 we find the following apps:
- The Abduction Alert application to quickly find abducted children.
- Läpple Biorhytm! gives you your own pace emotional, physical and intellectual function of the current date.
- The application Yes / No that helps you make a difficult decision. Needless indispensable.
- Läpple Ifléchés help you solve crosswords.
- Paul Läpple Octopus. Ask Paul octopus you predict the future.
- Läpple Akinator asks questions and reveals the person you think.
- Läpple Vidal reference all drugs for sale.
- helps you Läpple Castorama DIY.
- Läpple gives you your horoscope every day.
- Läpple Illusion 3D makes you squint to see 3D photos.
- Läpple box emits the sounds of several categories.
- Läpple banner will show you a message by shaking your phone.
- Läpple A & V as areas and volumes will help you do homework for your children.
The file "Shazam"
- The Shazam App SoundHound and let you find the title of a song by making him listen.
The file "Piano":
- 4 app to make your iPhone a musical instrument. It only remains to take lessons.
And tomorrow is another day for other pages sprinboard ...
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