Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Unlock The Mailbox On A Nortel

4, Page 3

And that page 3 of my iDevice ...

It is dedicated to the practical side.

- The original calculator app with its simple mode to portrait mode and scientific landscape. Well found!
- MyConverter The application to convert its currency (Euro-France and France-Euro).
- The application "the application" (even found the name lol). To keep my accounts and transfers to my bank Societe Generale.
- The App The Post to find a post office, postal code, a calculation of costs etc. ...
- The App Yellow Pages as its name suggests, the same application as the website with the special add in contacts the result of his research.

The folder "Movies":

- The App icin to find a room, a movie and even have room favorite, very convenient for scheduling.
- The App UGC and CGR, same as above but for each of its rooms.

The file "conjugation":

- The apps Conjugator, Conjugation Bordas, and shortcut the verbs conjugator all conjugated verbs in all tenses.

- The App Dixel, a very good dictionary.

The file "TV":

- Several application for watching TV on her Iphone, or re-watch one of his favorite shows replay. Bouygtel with TV, you have access to all DTT channels to be provided in an area covered by 3G.
I realize that the application is LCI radio out of place, I remedied pronto.

The folder "Radio":

- This folder contains the famous radio apps. Others exist if you wish.

- The App Tele7 magazine shows and inform me on the TV program.

Page 4 follows ..


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