Call of Duty 4 promises to be a staple, available soon in all media, the game made in Infinity Ward breeze codes this year. Exit the second world war and the traditional allied landing on the beaches of N Ormand, the airdrops in small French villages or the assaults on the Reichstag in Berlin's streets . Finished as the pompous dialogue, love and good feelings between nonsense American soldiers all over now. It now goes to the tactical response, allied forces are replaced by the Marines, the SAS, and the bad are Spetnaz and Afghans (to fast). Another war game featuring the military superiority American the rest of the world you tell me? Yes indeed. After Rainbow Six Ghost Recon and Mexico, Call Of Duty 4 should take us in as opposed fabulous Iraq, Afghanistan , the Russian at Chernobyl ...
Nevertheless COD 4 brings still slap a new graphic, developers claiming they have really had time to make the game that they wanted. According to preliminary videos, we understand that each station will operate at background sniper , at least solo, will have a major role. The scene or the guy still stashed in the tall grass while the guards are missing is bluffing. Like the previous games, expect solo to advanced linear I think a scenario and staged like Hollywood . And it may well do so.
Side multiplayer now, I could try my hand as much to the recent beta placed on Xbox 360 and again, nothing to be disappointed . Everything is very fluid animations are well made, cards (3 available in beta ) are very different from each other and offer quite a different solution Gameplay . My favorite is probably the most open, going outside, certainly in the Russian countryside, herbs, barns, ditches, mosquito flying;), every detail has its importance and reinforces the credibility of the game The other cards are more closed and offers a more instant fun, and it is not uncommon to see everyone running through the corridors, looking for any additional frag. Because in fact, each fragment (understand a défouraillage the enemy in order), reports of experience (as in R6), the famous XP allow to climb the ladder grades one to one, but also unlock new weapons and new skills Such as to take one last shot when have been touched, that you end up locked down, a new very nice .
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