Friday, August 24, 2007

Create Your Own Wrestling Cloth

Bon bah here is ... :

Freshly landed at the home the Elite will replace her little sister's Premium, when I finally called Microsoft to get my cable, by then we'll talk.

SHIFT 1: First impressions: This is excellent, the resolution due HDMI seems to be a tad better than the old connector YUV! I have not tested games, (migration of current account), but the console is already silent, I can not wait to test the CD, but so far it's all good.

Update 2: Second Printing, the console makes as much noise as the old one almost feels a little more strength of both Ventilos ... : (. HDMI provides an ounce of clarity at least in the interface, but the colors are a bit pale at once, to settle with the TV. This morning, I call M $ for the famous cable looks like the migration Major Nelson ...

Update 3: When calling customer service several times the Xbox, I was given a case number, and I was kindly directed to the U.S. address to download the pdf and fill once printed. After I send it to Zionsville in the U.S., while that for a cable unfortunate, but not where will we ??!...


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